Men's Lacrosse Lose Their Opener but See A Lot to Look Forward To

Men's Lacrosse Lose Their Opener but See A Lot to Look Forward To

In their home opener versus a well-oiled machine of CCBC-Essex, the Men's Lacrosse team experienced a tough loss. All things considered, the first game jitters are out of the way, the team came together as a singular unit, and never gave up throughout the match. Parker Wills led the team's offense with three goals, while Dean Gillette and Kyle Rigney each added two. Nick Bedford, Jonathan Gillette, and James Lacorazza each finished with a takeaway, and Walt Thomas showed a lot of promise with 12 saves. 

When asked, the coaches said they were incredibly proud of their players and are very happy seeing the foundation this team is starting with. There are now clearer aspects of the game that need to be addressed but a great start with communication and teamwork.

The Men's Lacrosse team is away this Wednesday playing Mercer but then will play again at home Saturday March 5.